Stay Fit, When Working From Home

Working form home may mean more working hours comparing to working form office. Especially when the business is reviving and the collaboration is less efficient when a team works at separate locations than face-to-face though with assistance of modern instant messenger and video conference , it may take you more time sitting in front of your monitor forgetting the time if not being reminded by others. Yes, surly you have more chance to interact with your colleagues and walk more paces if working at an office setting. Therefore there are some little tips for your to keep fit and avoid gaining weight:

  • Consume fewer carbohydrate since your overall physical activity is going to be lesser than usual.
  • Reduce portion size. With less movement, your body would also need lesser food.
  • Include different kinds of beans in your diet.
  • Eat more protein, vegetables and fruits.
  • do some aerobic exercise, 30-45 minutes every time, 3-4 times a week.
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